Image by John Phelan from Wikimedia Commons
Westwood Minute has become aware of a Planning Board meeting scheduled for January 3, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. This meeting is expected to provide an opportunity for Planning Board to work on finalizing its proposed language to amend the town's zoning bylaws on multifamily housing and solar arrays before publishing them for public notice. Details to join Planning Board's meeting will be forthcoming when they become available.
In its November 15, 2021 meeting, Select Board also set a meeting date of January 11, 2022 that has not yet been posted or officially noticed. Westwood Minute will provide more details when an official date and time is available.
And as previously reported, Planning Board is also currently scheduled to have another meeting on January 11, 2021.
This article corrects a previous misstatement in Westwood Minute's article posted on Monday, December 27, 2021 which incorrectly stated that there are no meetings of town government until Planning Board's meeting of January 11th. That article has been withdrawn from publication to avoid reader confusion.
There may be other meetings that have not yet been officially noticed. When notice becomes available, Westwood Minute will provide updates.