Photo by Mandy Taft-Pearman. This rainbow with phrase, "DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH" at the Hanlon School is one of many pieces of artwork that students contributed to as part of five temporary art installations at Westwood's elementary schools.
All five elementary schools across the Westwood Public Schools District celebrated Pride Month and inclusion this June with temporary art installations on school campuses comprised of symbols of inclusion and welcome.
Students and staff at Deerfield, Downey, Hanlon, Martha Jones and Sheehan elementary schools, along with the larger community, were invited to add their contributions of hearts, rainbows, circles, words and illustrations to the outdoor fences that run along the schools' playing fields and playgrounds. Materials were donated by student families and included items such as yarn, ribbon, and paper.
Some of the artwork had been removed before the end of the month, either intentionally at the end of school or due to the outdoor elements, but the following images have been captured.
Thanks to Mandy Taft-Pearman and Inclusive Westwood for their contributions to this photo gallery.
The planning board has considered and held public hearings on the 25mph speed limit idea since at least 2018; it is not new, just something the police department opposes because they don't believe it will be effective at reducing speeds. Select board defers to police.