Public Notices and Press Releases

Independent State Representative Candidate, Drew Pepoli (11th Norfolk – Dedham – Westwood – Walpole P8) announces campaign kickoff event.

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DEDHAM/WESTWOOD/WALPOLE, MA – Drew Pepoli, Independent candidate for State Representative (11th Norfolk), has announced his official campaign kick off event for September 15 th , 2024, at the Dedham Community House (671 High Street – Dedham, MA) from 10:00am to 12:30pm. The event will be a chance to meet with the candidate and learn more about his goals/vision for the district, the state and the Independent candidate movement.

As previously announced, Drew began his campaign efforts in March of 2024 vowing to bring much needed, and actual change to the halls of Beacon Hill.

Drew stated: “For too long, the district comprising Dedham, Westwood, and Walpole P8 has languished under stagnant representation, leaving its residents feeling unheard and unrepresented.” He continued “There has been an ever-increasing movement over the past few years of voters moving away from the two parties, voters who are finding they do not have uniformly conservative nor liberal views. However, with voting options that have seemed to move further and further to the extremes, this position has landed them squarely in an increasingly growing political “no-man’s land”. A position that leaves them having to vote between the lesser of two evils, an uncontested Republican or Democratic candidate, or worst of all, not voting at all.”

Drew recognizes the urgency for a fresh independent voice that resonates with the diverse concerns of the community, free from the entanglements of partisan politics and one that represents common sense, fiscal responsibility, and giving everyone in his district a voice. His platform is built upon the principles of independence, common sense, and collaboration. With a focus on addressing pressing issues such as the need for a shift in more tax dollars directed to cities and towns, legislative process reform/transparency, term limits, and political polarization, Drew aims to steer the state back to the center, where pragmatic governance can flourish.

"While our state faces numerous challenges, I am confident in the resilience and compassion of our residents," Drew continued. "Together, we can reject the politics of fear and division, and embrace a vision for a better future—one grounded in unity, compromise, and sensible solutions."

As voters learn more about Drew's vision and platform, the candidate hopes to earn their support and become the voice of the unheard majority in the district.

For more information on Drew’s campaign and platform, please visit 

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