News Tip
Beautification Brings Together Lifeworks Staff, Volunteers, and Program Participants
Westwood Minute Community
I am SO inspired by the majority of these responses!!!!! The kids are going to be ok!!!!!!!! I have been so disheartened by the One Westwood media blitz, distressed and outraged that our town has fostered such hate, such small mindedness, such boldy racist, homophobic and anti progress. These responses have soot
This is not the first time that young people in Westwood have given me hope. Your commentary is powerful. Thank you.
To borrow words from the late Jahaira DeAlto:
Marginalizing parents who stand up for marginalized children is an odd way to try to make Westwood a better place. Doing so in the name of a candidate is probably not helpful to their campaign. In the words of Mallory McMorrow,“Hate will only win if people like [us] stand by and let it happen”.
Hi Wendy,
It’s interesting, because I would attribute the “toxic” environment that you mention much more to the recent paid advertisements from One Westwood attacking the Westwood school district than to discussions around who did or did not sign the Inclusive Westwood statement back in February.