
The news described in Westwood Minute's Police Log article series is primarily based on selected information from the Westwood Police Department's daily log and information provided by Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and police staff. Occasionally, a few facts from other sources may be woven into these stories.
Car Camping
12:05 a.m. An officer found a woman who appeared to be living in her vehicle, during a property check of 20 East Street, the site of a storage facility that is adjacent to the East Street rotary. The vehicle was parked at the self-storage location. After speaking with the officer, the homeless woman drove her vehicle off the property.
One Thing Leads to Another
5:08 p.m. An officer conducting stationary traffic enforcement at Washington and East streets observed a black Jeep run a red light on East Street.
The officer made the traffic stop on Washington Street, as the Jeep had made a left turn onto that road. Upon investigation, the officer found that the vehicle’s license plate had been canceled in December 2020. The plate was last authorized for a black, 2013 Hyundai Elantra – not the Jeep which was being investigated.
The driver, a man from Raleigh, North Carolina, informed officers that the vehicle belonged to his passenger. The passenger, a woman from Canton, was unable to produce registration for the vehicle. A check of the VIN showed that registration had been revoked for lack of insurance in September 2022.
The officer issued criminal citations for failure to stop at a red light, operating a vehicle with revoked registration, operating an unregistered vehicle, operating a vehicle without insurance, and attaching plates.
The vehicle was towed. Its occupants informed the officer that they were in the process of making a DoorDash delivery for a Norwood resident. The officer took the food order and made the delivery.
Unemployment Benefits Fraud
9:12 a.m. A Westwood resident complained of fraud when the resident was informed by his employer that a claim had been made in the resident’s name for unemployment benefits. The resident was employed full-time and had made no such claim. He reported the incident to police to create a record.
Just Going for a Walk
4:51 p.m. A caller reported seeing a suspicious, gray BMW at the entrance to Lowell Woods. Police located the BMW’s driver. It turned out to be a Westwood resident, returning from a walk in the woods. Police also spoke to the driver of another vehicle in the area, advising its occupant(s) that Lowell Woods is closed after dark.
Vehicle Sideswiped by Passing Vehicle on High Street
11:46 p.m. A two-vehicle collision occurred around the 1000 block of High Street when a 2004 Audi driven by a man from Franklin sideswiped a 2021 Dodge Ram pickup truck driven by a man from Walpole.
The Audi was behind the Ram, travelling west on High Street, when it tried to pass the pickup. The Audi sideswiped the truck in the process. The contact resulted in damage to the front and left side of the Audi and damage to the right, rear quarter of the pickup.
Additionally, driver of the pickup accused the Audi’s driver of assaulting him, following the collision when the vehicles had come to a stop.
Police issued a citation to the Audi driver for negligent operation of a motor vehicle and driving an unregistered vehicle. A summons for assault will also be issued.
Swastikas Found at Temple Beth David
2:01 p.m. Police received a report of vandalism at Temple Beth David when two swastikas were found on a small sign, located in the temple’s parking lot. It is unknown when the vandalism occurred. The investigating officer reported that the swastika was not readily apparent unless the sign was somewhat closely examined.
Powerful Sneeze
4:22 p.m. A man from Bedford was driving a 2019 Toyota south on Thatcher Street when his vehicle crashed into a hydrant, and then crashed into a tree. The driver told police that a sneeze caused him to veer off the road. The vehicle was towed. The driver received minor injuries and was taken to Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Needham.
Deer Struck in Early Morning
5:47 a.m. A 2015 Chevy truck, belonging to the Coca-Cola Company and being driven by a man from Westwood, was traveling east on High Street when a deer ran into the road. The truck struck and killed the deer. No other injuries were reported. The truck remained operable and able to be driven away. The Department of Public Works was notified to remove the deer from the roadside.
Stolen Vehicle Recovered on Pond Street
9:24 p.m. An officer was passing the Buckmaster Pond parking lot when the officer observed a white, U-Haul rental pickup truck parked there, after-hours.
Upon investigation, the officer observed black trash bags, children’s toys, tire rims and construction debris in the truck bed. The license plate was from Arizona. A check of the Vehicle Identification Number showed that the vehicle had been stolen out of Boston in December 2022.
A search of the area found no persons around. The truck was towed to the police station where it was processed for potential evidence.
Thanks to Lieutenant Christopher Sheehy and the Westwood Police Department for contributing information for this article.
Updated 1/11/2023 at 11:45 p.m. A correction has been made to the entry for January 6th and its related headline. The previous version of this article stated one swastika had been found. There were two. Westwood Minute apologizes for the error.