Westwood In A Minute: Firefighters Foam!


Photo by Westwood Minute. At the annual Firefighter's Foam on July 10th held at Sheehan School, Westwood Fire Department offers an hour of soapy fun under the sun to area children.

On Wednesday, July 10th, Westwood Fire Department held the annual Firefighter's Foam, inviting children in the area to take part in some soapy, summer fun on the Sheehan Field.  Using a hose and dishwashing soap, the firefighters created a sea of wet bubbles for youngsters to explore on a hot, summer day. 

Enjoy these photos from the event, below. Do you have photos of a moment in time to share with our local community? Submit them with a short description/captions to WestwoodInAMinute@gmail.com.

Photo by Westwood Minute. A kneeling firefighter sprays a hose onto Sheehan Field, as a group of children enjoy the bubbles created.
Photo by Westwood Minute. At Firefighter's Foam, a group of children stand under the spray of a firefighter's hose.

Photo by Westwood Minute. A portion of Sheehan Field was covered in suds at the Firefighter's Foam event.

Photo by Westwood Minute. Children sat in soapy suds on Sheehan Field, making sure they were covered with as much foam as possible during the Firefighter's Foam event.

Photo by Westwood Minute. Flakes of foam floated in the air, above a sea of foam and Firefighter's Foam event attendees.

Photo by Westwood Minute. Some participants of Firefighter's Foam wore goggles, allowing them to comfortably bury themselves in foam made from dish detergent.

Updated 7/14/2024 at 9:56 p.m. Missing captions have been added.

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